Sunday, July 6, 2008

First time blogger

Well, here I am in Blogs-ville! I have to admit...I reserved this blog name about a month ago, but was afraid to start. I just really didn't think my life would be really interesting to blog about, and the extent of my writing nowadays is really just responding to emails.

Yet, here I am! I haven't even told my husband that I've started a blog yet.

To give you a little background, I am a mommy of two. My daughter and son are only 16 months apart (I'm still not sure how that happened), and the youngest is about to embark to the wonderful world of elementary school. Having just done that with my oldest (she just completed kindergarten), you'd think that I wouldn't have any anxieties with my son starting school. Well, I have lots!

With two children in school, I will have tons of time on my hands, and am considering working part-time.

In a former life, I worked at NIH. I retired from the job when I was about 5 months pregnant with my son, and never regretted it. I have no interest in going back to the "tech" world.

My friend and I are trying to start an event planning business, but if I had to live on what I'm making thus far...I'd probably starve. So, I'm off to find a fulfilling part-time job in the fall.

Whoever is reading this, thanks for coming to visit. I'll try not to be too boring and get to some real posting soon.

1 comment:

Stimey said...

Yay! Welcome to blogging Momma Hu!