Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Kindergarten is fun! At least for now....

My how a week can change things! My son is now exclaiming how wonderful kindergarten is. He found the one friend that has changed everything.

He's known little "E" for two years, but has never really paid that much attention to her....until now. Last week when he was having one of his many breakdowns (he cried every day like clockwork...after recess last week), she gave him a hug and handed him a tissue. Thus starts the love-fest.

I also noticed that they sat next to each other during circle time (yes, I'm the nosy mom that peaked in the window).

I'm just thrilled that he feels more comfortable, because...I have to tell you...I was sweating bullets over this past week with worry.

It really goes to show how life can be much easier if you just had that one friend....

1 comment:

Stimey said...

Hooray! I'm so happy to hear this. And you're so right, one friend can make all the difference.