Monday, August 4, 2008

How dieting has ruined my life....

I've posted about joining WW. I've lost a whopping 3lbs. Well, let me tell you...I went to my weigh in on saturday......and it wasn't pretty.....We went out to dinner three times this week.

We went to Burger King last tuesday. I had my first hamburger since the summer started (it was only a Whopper Jr!), oh...and French fries....small French fries....and I had a diet soda!

We went to Baltimore to visit my brother-in-law (who's in town for business) on wednesday and ate at Phillips' Seafood Restaurant. I rarely get to have a decent crab had one. But forgot to ask for a broiled crab I got a fried one.

On friday, I went to California Pizza Kitchen with a friend of mine (and three kids in tow). That was the day before my weigh in. I knew better, but I rarely get to go out to eat.

I have to say, I was totally prepared to have lost like maybe .5 lb, because I have been working my a$$ off for a whole month. I've been running five miles a day, and lifting! I literally have not missed a day of exercise in a month. I've been crazy exercising! But when I stepped on that scale, I actually gained a damn pound!

I've been sweating and killing myself on that damn treadmill!!!! For naught!

Now, I have back to back vacations, and parties this month. I'm going to Acadia for dinner next week (L, J, and E...totally looking forward to it). It's a "high brow" Cajun food restaurant. My husband, who grew up in Baton Rouge, LA, says there is no such thing as "high brow" Cajun food. If you know anything about Cajun food, it's literally cooked in fat. Think bacon grease as butter. Rice and beans are the staple. Try finding anything diet friendly there.

Diet or rather "lifestyle" change is killing me! My friend that joined WW with me....she's lost 7 lbs already......without exercise....bitch....

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