I don't think that I slept a wink last night. AT.ALL. I could not get over the fact that my baby is starting elementary school. I mean, wasn't it yesterday that I took him home from the hospital?
We arrived at school and there was literally a mass of humanity there. We were swimming through children, parents, and teachers just to get to the kids' classrooms.
My daughter waved us off, and headed right into her classroom. Okay, we knew she'd be fine.
We walked into the son's classroom, and every single child in that room looked frightened. No one talked to each other, and they all sat at their little desks with a blank sheet of paper and crayons. Not one child would even draw. I asked my son to write his name and he obliged. He then turned around and whispered "Mommy...I'm scared. Can you stay with me?" My husband knew that I was going to lose it and said to him "Mommy can't stay, but she'll be here to pick you up at the end of the day."
We walked out of the classroom, and I lost my SHIT! Literally just bawled. I think that I scared the crap out of my husband. He ushered me to a corner and tried to calm me down. When I looked up...I started a chain reaction, because several other moms were just bawling along with me. The poor husbands looked so stunned and confused.
My husband asked me if he should take the rest of the day off, but I told him I'd be fine. I had a doctor's appointment and planned to meet my friend L for lunch. Both of these events were a much needed distractions.
At dismissal, I was wondering which child would come out first. The kindergarteners get dismissed separately from the rest of the school, but I saw that both walked out hand in hand. I asked the eldest how they managed to get dismissed at the same time...she responded "I told Ms. S that I needed to get my little brother." Gold stars for the eldest.
I thought all was well until one of the other moms cornered me and said that my son started crying at lunchtime. Apparently, I packed him too much food, and he had a stomach ache. So, they sent him to the health room for recess.
It was more nerves than anything else, but it kills me that the first day of school resulted in some tears for Lumpy.
I saw his teacher and asked if he was fine otherwise...she said he was fine for the rest of the day.
I would volunteer at lunch and recess, but I think that the son needs some time away from me before I start volunteering. I don't want him to think that I will always be at school.
Let's hope tomorrow brings less tears....
If it makes you feel any better, mine cried at school too! They will adjust (I hope)
Dude. Serious gold stars for the eldest. Sam's been like that too--really wanting to help Jack. It's so sweet.
Hang in there. Almost every single mom of a new kindergartner that I've spoken to has cried this week.
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