Monday, November 3, 2008

The weekend getaway sans childrens

We were only gone for less than 24 hours, but what a difference it made! We dropped the kids off at our friend's house, and took the metro into D.C.

My husband takes the metro every day to work, but for some reason, he was positively giddy taking the metro a mere 8 stops away from home (and don't think that I didn't take advantage of his good mood, but more on this later).

We ran to the hotel, and dropped off our bag, and had lunch at Lebanese Taverna. The weather was gorgeous, and we ended up staying at the restaurant for two hours.

TWO HOURS! Normally, we'd speed eat to get out of a restaurant quickly due to the kids.

After lunch, we walked from Woodley Park all the way past Farragut North. I know it's probably not that long of a walk (30 minutes), but we'd never get past two blocks with the kids.

Before the kids, when we were just dating/newly married, we'd go to Dupont Circle alot. "Kramer's Bookstore" was our haunt, and we were pretty nostalgic walking into the store. Granted, it's not a mega store like "Borders" or "Barnes and Noble," but I have a soft spot for the non-chain book stores. They're more intimate, and most times I can find books that are not to be found at the chain stores.

Every corner of D.C. is gearing up for the election (and if you read this before November 4th....Rock the Vote tomorrow people!). We saw tons of Obama t-shirts and buttons, but strangely no McCain stuff....hmmm....

Going back to the husband's generous mood. We passed both Ann Taylor and Filene's Basement, and he encouraged me to go in both shops. I left with a new purse, dress, and sweater. Come to think of it, why didn't I drop more money on clothes? He got off cheap.

We decided to scrap the movies. There was nothing playing at the theaters that we had to see. I thought the new Bond movie was coming out this weekend, but it's next weekend.

So, what do we do? We ended up watching "Hell Boy 2" in our room. I got to pick out new clothes, he gets to pick out the's only fair. Still, $15 for on-demand! Geez...

By 11pm we realized that we totally forgot about dinner. We ended up going to "Open City" and then taking a long walk around town. We didn't get back to our room until 3am.

We seriously didn't want the night to end. I love my kids, but sometimes, well...most of the time...we are in "mommy and daddy mode", and you'd tend to forget that you are a couple and friends. This past weekend, it was nice to just focus on us for a little bit.

Did we miss the kids though? You bet.

1 comment:

mailmichal said...

So, lucky. That sounds wonderful. I am glad you had a nice time "dating" your husband. It is really so important.